Act 3 - The end
Objectives of the section
At the end of this section, you will be able to :
- Identify 3 key techniques for an engaging end
- Make the link between these techniques and the science of instruction
- Engage your students at the end of a course using some techniques
You are close to the end of your lesson… why not whet the students' appetite for the next class ?
That's what happens at the end of every TV episode, right ?
Please open all the pages and watch the videos that introduce examples and techniques for closing. You will also listen to and assess David J. Keogh's time travel story closure. At the end of the section, reflect like you have previously done on your own course and share some tricks with your peers in the forum activity.
Now you have plenty of ideas to conclude your lesson and continue engaging your learners. In the last section of this elearning, let's find some final tips. For instance, why not imagine an intriguing title for your lesson?