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How to make your courses as engaging as TV series
Generation Netflix
Act 1 - The opening
Act 2 - The middle
Act 3 - The end
Final tips and conclusion
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Préférence pour les données
How to make your courses as engaging as TV series
How to make your courses as engaging as TV series
How work this course and the platform? (2min)
How work this course and the platform? (2min)
Modifié le: Wednesday 21 December 2022, 17:02
◄ The inspiring guest program and the team behind (3min)
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The inspiring guest program and the team behind (3min)
The trainer, the objectives and the content of the course (10min)
Please introduce yourself ! (5min)
Generation Netflix (10 min)
[Workshop] Act 1 - 4 key questions for an engaging opening (20 min)
[Page] Principles from the science of instruction (10min)
[Forum] Your opening tricks (10min)
[Reflection] Time to reflect (15min)
[Workshop] Act 2 - Key techniques for an engaging middle (20 min)
[Page] Principles from the science of instruction (10min)
[Forum] Your tricks (10min)
[Reflection] Time to reflect (15min)
[Workshop] Act 3 - Key techniques for an engaging end (15min)
[Page] Principles from the science of instruction (10min)
[Forum] Your tricks (10min)
[Reflection] Time to reflect (15min)
Final tips (10 min)
[Forum] Your intriguing title (5min)
[Survey] Share your feedback (3min)
The trainer, the objectives and the content of the course (10min) ►